
Waleed Aly Net Worth

Waleed Aly rose to fame after appearing as guest in the show The Project.



Waleed Aly is a talented lawyer, academic, actor, and TV presenter. He is mostly popular for his TV show The Project, which airs on the Network’s Ten broadcasts. The show is mainly focused on the news and the current affairs of Australian politics.

Over the years, he has dedicated his life to talking about the current status of politics in Australia and has also given his expertise in terrorism around the world. Apart from being a TV presenter and a lawyer, he is also an exceptionally talented musician, as he was the lead guitarist of the band Robot Child based in Melbourne.

Many people are influenced by his political views, whereas some have deemed him controversial, but he has amassed several followers over the years. He is often in front of the camera talking about his personal life or the subject matter but has not revealed his net worth, finances, and income.

Waleed Aly’s net worth, income, and career

As of 2024, Aly’s net worth is estimated to be approximately $5 million. His primary sources of income are mostly from his career as a TV presenter who appeared on the Australian TV networks ABC 1 and ABC 24, where he is the lead host of the program Big Ideas.

He also appears as the co-host and guest in the highly popular Australian TV program The Project, where he talks about the current Australian political situation. He is also the co-host alongside another TV host, Jon Faine, in The Conversation Hour.

Waleed Aly Net Worth. (Credit: Instagram)

He has been making tons of money from his highly popular show The Project, where at one time, he was making over $900,000 to $1 million per year. After a few years, it was reported his salary was reduced by the former owner of the TV program, which he hinted at in an interview.

When asked about his current salary by another TV host, he replied, “I wished we would have done that last year.” The sly dig was towards his former bosses, who allegedly reduced his salary; however, he has not revealed how much he is currently making after their leave.

Furthermore, the TV presentation gig is not his only job; he is also an equally qualified lawyer and teacher who has been making significant earnings from his academic studies and thesis as well.

He has also published several popular writings and books like People Like Us: How Arrogance is Dividing Islam and the West. He also works in the Melbourne University in the Global Terrorism Research Centre.

He has stated Western power is the reason for most of the conflicts in the Middle East, which has caused controversy in some cases, while others are considering it as a subject to think about.

In his early years, he was also the band member and lead singer of the Melbourne-based band Robert Child, but it is unclear if they’re still performing and earning income from album sales and concerts.

Waleed Aly’s endorsements, assets, and investments

Aly has been making millions from his career as a lawyer and a teacher. however, he also had his earnings chances from different endorsement deals. Among many other endorsement deals, one endorsement deal landed him in hot water, and it was a scammy pump-and-dump deal.

Many Australian celebrities fell victim to the said scam, and he was among them when he started promoting such a product after receiving a decent amount of money. It is unclear if he has returned the money, but he has not apologized for the said misinformation.

In 2016, Aly stated he was not as rich as people thought, as he could not afford rent; however, just a year later, the popular TV host purchased a huge and expensive mansion worth over $2.1 million in Melbourne.

According to the rumors, he and his wife were planning to purchase the property in the suburbs of Richmond, but they have purchased their dream home. Although he has not officially confirmed, the media and paparazzi are convinced they have spent millions on the said property.

He has not revealed how many more villas, apartments, or condos he currently owns, but if he owns them there, he might reveal something about it. Apart from spending his earnings on buying real estate and properties, many celebrities often spend their property on cars, but he has not revealed buying any cars or automobiles.

Many media have also reported that he might own some business, but the truth is he is busy with his career as a TV host, teacher, and academic, so he might not have owned any business and does not have any investment deals.

Waleed Aly’s early life, parents, and relationships

Waleed was born in Melbourne, Australia, on 15th August 1078. His father’s name is Moniem Aly, and his mother’s is Salwa Aly. Both of his parents are immigrants from Egypt. Regarding siblings, he has a brother named Ahmad Aly, who works as a gastrointestinal surgeon at Melbourne’s Austin Hospital.

When they were young, both brothers were fond of Batman and often used to play with Batman toys, which also often led to them fighting each other. He has also revealed that since his brother was older than him, he acted as a guardian, and often, their relationship was like father and son.

When he was a teenager, he studied International Baccalaureate at Wesley University. He then graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering and Law from the University of Melbourne. He got major honors in both of his degrees and was regarded as one of the brightest minds in the university.

In 2017, he wrote a thesis titled Towards a structuration theory of global terrorism for which he was awarded a Ph.D. Regarding his personal life, he is married to popular feminist author Susan Carland. They have two adorable children, but they have kept their information private.


Hence, Aly is one of the brightest minds in Australia, making his influence in many fields like politics, engineering, and even TV networks. His fame, fortune, and net worth grew after the success of his talk show, The Project, which is among the most-watched shows in Australia.

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